Tuesday, October 7, 2014

After Ages......

Oh Yeah, I happened to open my blog after ages.
I read a few of my older posts. 
I am in awe! 

Okay, I know, it is too much to awe at one's own self. Still, that is the damn fact, am in awe. 

I am surprised at the various topics I have written about. 
I am wondering at the language used. 
I even doubt if it is the same me who wrote all those posts. 

Can I write something equivalent to those posts? I doubt.
Can I use the same language even now? I doubt.
Can I get so many topics to write on? I doubt.
Can I think of so many things? I doubt. 
Do I even have the knowledge of such varied topics? I doubt.

Yes, I am not the same me. This is my conclusion after a visit to my blog.

Is it inability? inefficiency? disinterest? laziness? Am not sure.

But there was a burning urge to open my blog and read my posts and that left me with so many thoughts. I also had a burning urge to write something and that led (you know what? I was thinking, "what is the spelling of led?", right now) to this post. 

Feels both great and disappointing to write this post. 
Great because finally, I am writing. 
Disappointed because, I feel, am not the same person who left this blog all alone in this wide and vast cyberspace 2 years and 7 months back. 

Whatever it takes, I want that person back, the old me. 
The old, dynamic me who wrote everything on this blog.
The old, knowledgeable me who read every news of the day.
The old, enthusiastic me who followed friends and favorite people passionately.
The old, tactful me who was able to do it all.

Before I started this post, I was not even sure of what I was going to write. But now, words would just not stop. Okay, I guess I am the kind of writer who has her brains in her hands :P  There I go again, self-praise. :D

I really feel better now, after writing this post.
I really wish I find the "old me" back soon.
Wish me luck people :)

Take care.