Sunday, January 17, 2016


Thank you Mr J for your statement - "Don't blame your child, you are lazy" (the man in my life is sitting behind me, reading as I type and says - "Idhu ennamo unmai dhan" - This is true :D ) - it woke me up early today and made me write this post.

It is so wonderful how the mind works, going from one thought to another requiring a simple connection between the two. An example follows. I saw a girl who was crossing a part of the road between two volvo buses that are very close to each other, back to front. She is also on a call with someone. I wonder how is she able to do that without any fear, I would not. May be she trusts herself that she will be able to quickly move away if required. May be she trusts the driving skills of the volvo bus driver.

As I think of this, the thought of my "Things to accomplish in this year" comes to my mind. One of them being "Learn to drive a car". As I think of learning to drive a car, I see how congested the road is, and how skillful a person must be to drive a vehicle on such a road and wonder if I would be ever able to drive a car on this road. As I wonder, I think of why am I not confident enough when there are so many others who can do it (On the side, another thought is going on - my mom and dad both learnt car driving but could not drive it on the road because they were 40+ and were less confident. May be I am getting old, OMG so old that I lose confidence? Horror and no-am-not-so-old feelings cut this chain off while the other chain still continues). Then there is a determination to enroll myself to driving classes (till date it is not done!).

All of a sudden my attention is drawn to that one small piece of music from my favorite song (When one song becomes my favorite, I make sure that I listen to it to death, till I know all minute beats. A song looping for a hundred times is a very usual thing in my life) that I have missed listening to for so long. Yes, with all the above thoughts going on in my head, I was listening to music and suddenly the 2:56th minute of a 4:25 minutes song catches my mind by it's throat chocking the chain of thoughts. Then I keep repeating that single piece of music again and again wondering how did I miss this and Whatsapp my cousin Karthik about this and we wonder together :P :P :D :D (Anyone relate to this? Me and Karthik often do this, he recommends songs and I recommend pieces from it back to him)

1 comment:

  1. :) I have been thinking to start writing a blog on various things but especially the hikes I go on. It has never happened till date. Well (Very honestly!) I have never been lazy in the last few years. Never! May be I dont watch TV at all :D :D(Bcos I always thought that the TV is the first and best thing in the world which grows laziness in us. Well, thats could be a diff conversation altogether) For me its about prioritizing things. I have not been able to prioritize writing a blog above everything that I am able to today. :) Anyway, appreciate your ability come out and share/write something you think on.

    Regarding your wish to drive a car, I can talk a lot about it. But, to make it simple I would recommend you to think reverse. Well, what does that means is do not take samples/data from what is not done by you yet(which is what we always do, pity our DNA). There is road to drive a car, there is a car and there are few techniques to drive. It is as simple as that. If you learn it, practice it, you are done. The extra attributes you are adding to it like too many cars, dashing another car, accidents are just by products. Dont care about those. It only depends on how you learn and master the simple part.

    Am I sounding like a motivational speaker. If yes, then I am not. Its just my own realization. For instance, I have completed one of the extremely hardest hikes in Malaysia last day say a 13 hour non stop hike. My friend here an Indian women, always tells me that she cant even walk for more than 30 mins and how am I able to do this kind of things. I just laugh at her and reply "if you ask me to choose one of the two tasks. Cook nice sambar and rasam or do a very tough hike/run I would whole heartedly choose the hiking part as I am worried that I might screw up the rasam. :D :D" But anyway the truth is soon, I am going to make rasam no matter even if I screw it up. :D :D In the background (actually in the mind) she has never tried to hike/run before and I have never tried to prepare rasam. Thats all. The fear elements are totally negligible. We wont die for sure. For me, personally I dont mind dying trying something new. ;) So I hope you got the whole point. Hope to see your blog post on your first driving experience some day. ;)
